Today, the most advanced countries are building from scratch smart cities with default systems for the management of transportation, water, electricity, etc. Such places include Masdar in the UAE, the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city in China and Songo in South Korea.
According to the global consulting giant McKinsey, Moscow has entered the ranks of the world's top 50 smart cities. It uses digital technology in people's everyday lives. The quality of services is rising every year, but at the same time, the locals are becoming very demanding in regard to digital services provided. This is seen in urban infrastructural planning and construction, housing and communal-resource accounting and distribution, and the development of a personalized urban-service ecosystem to be accessed via a single and convenient interface.
We can thus draw a definite conclusion: the global trend of transforming industrial cities into smart ones is an achievable task, and this goes for Russian cities as well. As a result, the smart city will become part of an interregional and international network whose resource potential will be used with maximum efficiency and through sustainable development.
Evgeny Miskevich, CEO of Center2M and partner of the logistics company Tochka-Tochka.
VPrioritete, No. 01-02 (04), 2019